I am a multimedia artist and community organizer. My art practice dances between writing, video, sculpture, animation and mixed media illustration. My work focuses on environmental issues, dismantling systemic violence and the Rights of Nature. I am an advocate for change, and I imbue my art and writing with calls for action.
My short art and films have been exhibited in a number of venues, such as the The Wild Center, the Centro per l'Arte Contemporanea Luigi Pecci, the Richard F. Brush Gallery, the Blow Up Chicago Arthouse Film Festival, and The ROARamong others.
Through my work with Talking Wings, I collaborated with the multimedia artist Tzintzun Aguilar-Izzo on the "North Country Art , Land and Environment Summit."  and on "The North Country Rights of Nature Symposium."
I am one of the organizers and funders of Talking Rivers, INC With Talking Rivers we are working on educating communities across the St. Lawrence River/Kaniatarowanénhne watershed to grant rights of standing to the region's Rivers. Under Talking Rivers, I have co-curated the "We Are All In This Together Symposium," "Listening to Water Symposium" and art exhibit, and many community events such as "Rivers Have Rights," among others.
I am also writing a series of speculative fiction/science fiction novels. The first novel is titled PANOPTIC SNOW. The novels grapple with themes such as structural violence and corporate power. To accompany the novels, I have produced a series of illustrations. I one day hope to incorporate both into a narrative art series.
Instagram: @panopticsnow
Instagram: @blakephotoart
Instagram: @talkingwings
Instagram: @talkingrivers
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